• info@decisiongatesconsulting.com.com
  • +1 (972) 400-6694
  • +234 (816) 806-1631


Years Of Experience

About Our Company

Established based on over 28 years of varied and increasingly complex aviation and security experience and knowledge attainment, Decision Gates Consulting (DGCI) is an emerging powerhouse with a niche in developing and implementing customized solutions in new and matured markets. With a focus on security facilitation, our organization specializes in getting the needle through the haystack.

What We Do


Access Control Program Review

"Our Access Control Program Reviews ensure that only authorized personnel gain entry, providing a crucial layer of security for your facility."

Airport Security Program Review

"We conduct thorough Airport Security Reviews to assess and enhance overall safety measures in place, ensuring compliance with industry standards."

Security Guard Program

"Our Security Guard Program deploys highly trained personnel who serve as a visible deterrent and a rapid response force, further fortifying your security measures."

Perimeter/Gate Access Control Program

"Through this, we ensure that all points of entry are tightly regulated, preventing unauthorized access and enhancing overall security."

Biometrics and CCTV Integration

"Integrating cutting-edge biometric technology with advanced CCTV systems, we create a seamless security network that offers real-time monitoring and identification capabilities."

Credentialing and Badging Office Program

"Our Credentialing and Badging Office Program streamlines the process of issuing authorized personnel with secure credentials, bolstering the integrity of your security protocols."

Equipment Procurement

"We specialize in sourcing and procuring state-of-the-art security equipment, guaranteeing that your facility is equipped with the latest technology to safeguard against potential threats."

For our International Clients, in addition to the listed services, we also offer specialized solutions to include:

  • 01

    Developing and implementing Recognition Programs

  • 02

    Capacity Development

  • 03

    TSA/ECAC approved equipment procurement

  • 04

    Leadership Training

  • 05

    Airport Tours and visits

Creative Works


Here is where we play for other company

Get In Touch

Contact Us
+1 (972) 400-6694
+234 (816) 806-1631
PO Box 1863
Cypress TX 77410, USA

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The definition of an agency is a group of people that performs some specific task, or that helps others.